The Information Superhighwayman

All things are so very uncertain, and that's exactly what makes me feel reassured.

Browsing Posts published in June, 2008

I used to consider myself something of a nationalist. Not in the jack-booted send home all the blacks and “The Empire could do no wrong” sense, but certainly in the sense that deep down I believed that as a nation, The British are generally pretty cool. Admittedly, this is somewhat hard to defend given our […]

Apparently this posting (and I guess a few of my others) are unreadable in Internet Explorer. I am afraid there’s not much I can do about this. Sorry. For a long time, a few people have been reminding me that I promised to write a posting about the top ten ways I have nearly killed […]

It’s been about a week and I have already given up watching UK’s Big Brother. They just voted out the only one I actually liked; she was relatively sweet and quite cute (not that you could tell from her glamour shot in today’s Star) and the rest are utterly boring and generally intolerable. Ah well! […]

A Lolcat.

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Apparently all the best weblogs have a Lolcat so obviously mine should have one too. Duh?

“Mr Twit never went really hungry. By sticking out his tongue and curling is sideways to explore the hairy jungle around his mouth, he was always able to find a tasty morsel here and there to nibble on.” (Roald Dahl) For those of you who haven’t experienced Twitter I ask you to stop reading now. […]