The Information Superhighwayman

All things are so very uncertain, and that's exactly what makes me feel reassured.

Browsing Posts published in July, 2007

I know I used to have a book and TV section, and I know I merged it into this and thus more or less completely did away with it, so in penance I thought I would briefly babble about a couple of books I read lately. Since one of them is the new Potter book […]

Prometheus’s lesser known little brother stole butter and a frying pan from the Gods. His monumentous achievement was overshadowed by the cheek and audacity of his older sibling’s theft but none the less, was a major milestone in the relationship between man and his Deities.

If I were that sort of person, I would be double checking my various calenders to check what century it is; purely for dramatic effect in the introductory paragraph of this weblog post. The problem is, I know it is the Twenty-First Century; I know this because I am not, as far as I know, […]

Apparently, in the spirit of protecting us from a new generation of communicable diseases; O2 have started giving away condoms. I am not sure I think too much of the jokes, but it’s a nice touch.