The Information Superhighwayman

All things are so very uncertain, and that's exactly what makes me feel reassured.

Browsing Posts published in April, 2007

I found this picture on the net last night, whilst on a hunt for pornography. It has made my head hurt ever since. They are not the same colour! They can’t be… They look nothing like one another. I figured it was one of those cons that makes you waste hours checking. Ok, so I […]

I received the best email in the world yesterday. It was even better than the Mr Chicken email which I lost years ago. This may require a short introduction to give you some context. I casually collect fountain pens; it’s not a serious collection and I don’t collect old ones. Mostly I just like to […]

Something odd has been happening this last few years and even by talking about it, I am in danger of accidentally walking across the front of a religious war. In computing terms, I probably class as somewhat experienced. Back when I used to do computer things, I used to systems manage whole countries and in […]

Once more in this fine and free country of ours, the Lords are debating the passing of the new Mental Health Bill. Sensibly they have thrown it out every time it has been before them but Parliament keep throwing it back. This Bill will allow people with various forms of mental illness to be detained, […]

Those of you who know me should know that one of my fascinations is the phenomenon of Groupthink (or “Folie a Deux”) and one of my professions was working out how to steal things more effectively. I have been avoiding ranting about this topic for a while but it rather amazes me that the press […]

When I was younger, thinner and more photogenic, I came home from a cellphone-free holiday in Scotland to find myself all over the newspapers being dubbed as “The Information Superhighwayman”. This was the start of the Harrods vs. Lawrie case which went on for a long time and due to my refusal to talk to […]