The Information Superhighwayman

I am small and I don’t eat much…

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Fancy Mags, Babe!.

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I have been an inventin’ again Momma. Today I turned my mind to the issue of car thieves. Contrary to popular opinion, deterring car thieves isn’t a problem; all you have to do is to drive a peice of shit that none of them would be seen dead in. A yellow Citroen AX with a […]

The Technophobe News

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The Technophobe News, the flagship magazine of The Technophobe Press is now open for business. That is, it would be if the Editor, Printer, Binder, Distributor and only Author of this rather short lived journal wasn’t quite so terrified of his printer. It happened yesterday. Previously the offices of The Technophobe Press were inhabited mostly […]

I had to pop to Canada later that day so the time had come to deal with Neil, who was hanging in the back of my Land Rover making the place a little stinky. Here he is, and what a fine chap he still is if you ignore the fact he is a little floppy […]

Ah ha! Look what I found on the way home this morning. I have called him Neil. Isn’t he pretty. I guess I will have to hang him for a few days and then decide what to do with him. Where is a copy of Hugh’s Meat Book when I need one!

Snip Snip

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Well I finally gave in and got my hair chopped off. It was nice seeing it go all curly but it started to bug me by getting in my eyes. It had to go but now my neck and ears are cold. Grumble.


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Sometimes, fate just has a habit of making it obvious that you should be friends with somebody. Rarely have I ever stopped to capture the event on film. This may well rank as my personal choice for the best photograph I have ever taken but I very much doubt many people will either agree or […]