The Information Superhighwayman

All things are so very uncertain, and that's exactly what makes me feel reassured.

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(This is mostly complete, it just needs a tidy edit) In the last few months, I have read an awful lot of articles and watched far too many YouTube videos about gun ownership. I didn’t set out to do this at all; it’s just that I sometimes read articles about guns and they link to […]

As many of you may know, I am something of a Marmite addict. If you don’t know what Marmite is there are plenty of references on the Internet and if you are an Antipodean who is already looking for the comment box so you can tell me that Vegemite is better than Marmite then don’t, […]

I was going to be nice to Google today. Really, I was – I started out thinking “Wow, for the first time ever, I will have to write a weblog entry and be 100% nice about Google” – As the 5 people who read my weblog will know, this isn’t normal. I don’t like Google, […]

As I kneed myself in the face yesterday whilst trying to sit down on a North American toilet, I came to a startling realisation about why North Americans know very little about the world. In the spirit of international relations I am going to share this with you so that now, rather than pointing at […]

A Lolcat.

1 comment

Apparently all the best weblogs have a Lolcat so obviously mine should have one too. Duh?

Apparently, in the spirit of protecting us from a new generation of communicable diseases; O2 have started giving away condoms. I am not sure I think too much of the jokes, but it’s a nice touch.

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