The Information Superhighwayman

I am small and I don’t eat much…

Browsing Posts in Nothing in particular

As many of you may know, I am something of a Marmite addict. If you don’t know what Marmite is there are plenty of references on the Internet and if you are an Antipodean who is already looking for the comment box so you can tell me that Vegemite is better than Marmite then don’t, […]

Let’s Face it…


I was going to be nice to Google today. Really, I was – I started out thinking “Wow, for the first time ever, I will have to write a weblog entry and be 100% nice about Google” – As the 5 people who read my weblog will know, this isn’t normal. I don’t like Google, […]

One of my favourite new weblogs is Crabby Old Fart, – On his front page he states: “It’s Important to be Regular… Now posting once a week whether I have something to say or not.” This got me thinking that I haven’t written anything in here for nearly a year and it may be […]

A tale of two shittys.

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As I kneed myself in the face yesterday whilst trying to sit down on a North American toilet, I came to a startling realisation about why North Americans know very little about the world. In the spirit of international relations I am going to share this with you so that now, rather than pointing at […]

Sale on the High Streets.

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I spotted that Dixons have packs of 20 Maxell C60’s on sale at the moment for £4.49 so I am going to buy about 10 packs this afternoon.I’ll get the decks up and running tonight and all being well I’ll be able to do you those Manic Miners you wanted at a quid each. I […]

London Olympics 2012

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There’s no point me harping on about this, you know full well my assumption is that it will be a disaster best avoided. That said, I am prepared to let someone else have their say and Dave Kellett summed it up rather nicely in today’s Sheldon Comic. ‘Nuff said.

For once, the British Government has impressed me. It’s not much but it’s so rare I thought it worth a mention. Their new training site is called “Train to Gain” and of course, given my general despair of the world as it is today, I would have assumed they’d have named the website “”. But […]


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I am not sure I can deal with the idea of Suggs being the new Captain Birds Eye.

Apparently this posting (and I guess a few of my others) are unreadable in Internet Explorer. I am afraid there’s not much I can do about this. Sorry. For a long time, a few people have been reminding me that I promised to write a posting about the top ten ways I have nearly killed […]

Big Brother

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It’s been about a week and I have already given up watching UK’s Big Brother. They just voted out the only one I actually liked; she was relatively sweet and quite cute (not that you could tell from her glamour shot in today’s Star) and the rest are utterly boring and generally intolerable. Ah well! […]