The Information Superhighwayman

I am small and I don’t eat much…

Browsing Posts in Narrative

(This is mostly complete, it just needs a tidy edit) In the last few months, I have read an awful lot of articles and watched far too many YouTube videos about gun ownership. I didn’t set out to do this at all; it’s just that I sometimes read articles about guns and they link to […]

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As many of you may know, I have a somewhat large and extensive computer museum, a lot of which can be seen on I didn’t start collecting these because it was trendy; in fact it was the complete opposite of trendy when I started. Back in the late 80s and early 90s I seemed […]

Two seemingly unrelated events decided to correlate themselves in my head today and I thought I would ponder out loud just for the irony value. Firstly there was a seemingly throwaway comment that made me smile on What The Papers Say about the fact that Obama lost thousands of his Twitter followers: “Talk about hitting […]

Let’s Face it…


I was going to be nice to Google today. Really, I was – I started out thinking “Wow, for the first time ever, I will have to write a weblog entry and be 100% nice about Google” – As the 5 people who read my weblog will know, this isn’t normal. I don’t like Google, […]

One of my favourite new weblogs is Crabby Old Fart, – On his front page he states: “It’s Important to be Regular… Now posting once a week whether I have something to say or not.” This got me thinking that I haven’t written anything in here for nearly a year and it may be […]

For once, the British Government has impressed me. It’s not much but it’s so rare I thought it worth a mention. Their new training site is called “Train to Gain” and of course, given my general despair of the world as it is today, I would have assumed they’d have named the website “”. But […]

I used to consider myself something of a nationalist. Not in the jack-booted send home all the blacks and “The Empire could do no wrong” sense, but certainly in the sense that deep down I believed that as a nation, The British are generally pretty cool. Admittedly, this is somewhat hard to defend given our […]

Apparently this posting (and I guess a few of my others) are unreadable in Internet Explorer. I am afraid there’s not much I can do about this. Sorry. For a long time, a few people have been reminding me that I promised to write a posting about the top ten ways I have nearly killed […]

Big Brother

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It’s been about a week and I have already given up watching UK’s Big Brother. They just voted out the only one I actually liked; she was relatively sweet and quite cute (not that you could tell from her glamour shot in today’s Star) and the rest are utterly boring and generally intolerable. Ah well! […]